A Gathering

Kadar Brock

Warren Dykeman

Kati Gegenheimer

Mark Thomas Gibson

Whitney Harris

Matt Jones

Staver Klitgaard

Kristina Schmidt

Sydney Shavers

Jason Stopa

Zoé de Soumagnat

Polina Tereshina

Noelle Velez 

A Gathering

June 5-29, 2021

Open Saturday-Sunday 1-6PM and weekdays by appointment

Opening Celebration June 5, 2-5PM

The Catskills is proud to present A Gathering—a carrier bag, a belly, a box, a house, a medicine bundle, an exhibition that collects and celebrates the work of thirteen artists engaged in conscious and unconscious conversation, seeking no resolution, and avoiding stasis by continuing the process of looking, experiencing, and sharing through making. 

We are interested in vulnerability, in the relationship between figuration, abstraction, and language, coming from varied sources, and a shared commitment to stylized cartoon-adjacent aesthetics as a vehicle for engaging absurdity, anxiety, accumulation, and the body.

As we organized the show, we returned again and again to Ursula K Le Guin’s The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction. “A novel is a medicine bundle,” she writes, “holding things in a particular, powerful relation to one another and to us.” The gallery, we realized, is our medicine bundle, embodied in the collective, in dialogue, containing our drawn and painted questions, suggestions, worlds, narratives, thoughts, and feelings that ground and nourish during challenging cycles in life.